Henley Bridge Reimagination
Logan Miller /// Feb. 26, 2020 /// Portfolio Vol. 1

The Henley bridge was constructed in Knoxville, TN in 1931. The deck arch bridge spanned the Tennessee River and was the main source of traveling to and from the urban center. The re-imagination focused on converting the structure into a double-arch construction rather than the original deck arch design. This alteration would nearly cut the overall weight in half, as well as double the tensile and compressive strength of the bridge. The difference in materials from when the bridge was first constructed in the early 1900's has an impact on those changes, but most of the new-found strength came from the improved design. The proposed alteration would also allow for an extra lane to relieve traffic coming to and from the downtown area.
The design began from a sketch, which was quickly translated into a 3d model using Rhino. The existing physical environment was imported using CadMapper, whereas the beams were manually constructed using Karamaba in Grasshopper. Creating the bridge in Karamba allowed for accurate weight and strength testing of each beam, as well as the overall structure of the bridge.
1. Expression

A view through the lens of Karamba depicting a single arch used to create the re-imagination of the Henley Bridge. This image shows a load of 800 kips being applied to the bridge from above, and how the specific members are reacting to the given weight.
2. visualization


Rendered Plan
This project was rendered with a simple aesthetic in mind, showing how the bridge works, where it is in the city, and a general idea of the surrounding landscape and topography.